Its such a lovely time of the year with the sun, light breeze and plenty of day light.
But those that fish for trout know that this is not a good time to catch trout.
They are moody, they go deep and they also sucumb to a parasite called argulus which irritates the gills and puts them off feeding.
So if you see them breaching or jumping out of the water then this is a good indication they have it and its not one fishg having it, the whole lake of fish will have it.
Each will have it in a different way to another.
Like us with a cold, some get on with life and put up with it, others are in bed for a week claiming its the end.! Trout are the same.
So its not you, its them....
You are a good fisherman, you are good at your hobby. Its nature giving the fish a reason to be off their game.
Lets look forward to colder times..!
Christmas isn't far off, 123 days to the big day, and if your allowed or need to escape for a few hrs on this big day. Then we are open for business on Christmas Day....